Certification Renewal Policy

Individuals who have been awarded the ALEP designation shall be required to renew their certification at the new year (January 1st), three years from the anniversary date of initial certification, and every three years thereafter. Graduates of the A4LE Academy Advanced Certificate Program will not begin their initial renewal cycle until January 1 of the following year. Renewal requests and materials must be submitted no later than three months after the new year of their anniversary date. Renewing candidates must have obtained the required 36 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) of educational facility planning professional development, or association management development including leadership, service, authorship, or teaching as established and reviewed by the Commission. In your profile, please review your certification tab to verify A4LE events and CEU hours, as well as add missing or professional development activities outside of A4LE events.

Renewal applicants must also re-attest to the Standards of Conduct and Ethics, and that they have not been convicted of a felony related to the practice of educational facility planning.

Continuing Education Units

Credits will be accepted from any continuing professional development education offered by a an organization, academic institution, or governing body that addresses the issues related to educational facility planning so long as it is directly related to planning, design, construction or maintenance as defined by the ALEP examination content outline, and meets the following guidelines:

Acceptable professional development activities include:

  • Conferences, workshops, seminars, or classes including face-to-face, audio/videoconference, webinars, or instructor led online delivery earn one CEU for each full clock hour up to a maximum of six per full day session. Evidence of paid attendance or receipts for all activities required at the time of renewal or application must be submitted by the ALEP.
  • College or university courses, including face-to-face, independent study/correspondence, or instructor led online delivery, taken for academic credit at an accredited institution earns 3 CEU's per semester credit, 2 CEU's per trimester credit or 1 CEU's per quarter credit up to a maximum of 9 toward renewal. Copies of an official transcript and course description(s) are required at the time of application or renewal.
  • Other relevant experience and/or activities. At the discretion of the Commission, credit may be awarded for experience and/or activities that are relevant to the industry and/or practice of facility planning.
  • Leadership, Instruction, or Authorship. A maximum of 6 CEU's may be earned in this category toward the CEU requirements for renewal on the following basis:
    • One CEU will be awarded per year for service as an officer of an association or professional organization that is related to planning, design, construction, or maintenance as defined by the ALEP examination content outline, or for service as chairman of a committee, section, or special interest group.
    • One CEU for each course/workshop instructed that meets the organizational qualifications above.
    • One CEU for each article, chapter, or book written for a publication that meets the organizational qualifications above
    • One CEU for service on each ALEPI committee, sub-committee, task- force, and/or jury, including the ALEP Commission.

Accreditation of CEU Providers

To be implemented at a later date when the Association has the manpower and resources to establish a reliable system of identifying accredited providers.

The ALEP Commission is responsible for establishing and maintaining current and relevant criteria and requirement for recognizing and awarding accreditation as a ALEP CEU provider. At a minimum, CEU providers will be required to meet the following standards:

  • Provide quality sessions and programs that meet the criteria stated above in section.
  • The sessions for each conference/seminar/class must be interactive and involve participation from attendees.
  • The provider must pay any associated administrative fees to the Association for Learning Environments in order to qualify for accreditation.
  • The provider must maintain a record of attendance that can be made available to the participant noting their participation.

Annual Maintenance Fees

Association Members: $200 annually
Non-Members: $350 annually
  1. ALEP’s that earn the designation will not be charged a maintenance fee for the year in which it was earned.
  2. The ALEP certification cycle is from January 1-December 31.
  3. To maintain accreditation, the maintenance fee must be paid in full by December 31st of the preceding year.
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