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Association for Learning
Environments is unique!

Our principal purpose is improving the places where children learn. We embrace a diverse community of more than 5,400 professionals with one single goal – building healthy, safe and resilient 21st century learning environments. Unlike other associations, our membership is made up of nearly every discipline involved in school planning, construction, and maintenance. From product suppliers, to architects in the field, to school district facilities superintendents, we work to serve the needs of this profession. Every member matters in the Association for Learning Environments and our strength lies in our diversity. We are stronger together!

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Unparalleled networking and establishing professional relationships with colleagues worldwide.

Share best practices with fellow members – architects, facility planners, school district administrators, state and federal agencies, policy makers, manufacturers and suppliers.

Participate in a variety of professional development opportunities.

Gain access to high quality research and publications.

Upgrade your professional skills through our continuing education program.

Access our job board, members’ directory and other resources vital to your professional growth.

Present at seminars, conferences, symposia and webinars to enhance your business relationships.

Network with members through our online Members Forum.

Maintain real world competencies through accredited programs and international awards as well as the premier certification of the profession, Accredited Learning Environment Planner (ALEP).

Commercial Sector Memberships

These apply to all private firms, architects, engineers, educational planners, industrial members, and others that do not fall under the School District/Public Authority Membership. Firms may choose to join utilizing a group membership that corresponds to the number of members they wish to include. The company paid for and owns management of the individual members within the group.  The company is not the member, only the individuals named (designated by the company) within the group are members, if an individual is no longer with the company, the company may drop that individual from the group to make room for another individual. All memberships are for a one-year period and are based on membership anniversary date.

Group 1 (includes 1-3 individuals) – $1,060

Group 2 (includes up to 6 individuals) – $1,715

Group 3 (includes up to 10 individuals) – $2,670

Group 4 (includes up to 15 individuals) – $3,690

Group 5 (includes up to 20 individuals) – $4,710

Group 6 (includes up to 30 individuals) – $6,370

Individual – $370

Student – $95


Individuals/Groups Located in Australia, Oceania (excluding Hawaii), and South East Asia please contact Debra Zabenko at the Association for Learning Environments Australasia Ltd.
Full time students majoring in areas related to educational facility planning or other areas deemed appropriate are eligible for individual student membership in the Association. Student membership shall be given and renewed only when accompanied by a statement from the student’s academic advisor attesting to full time student status.

School District/Public Authority Memberships

This applies to all PK-12 school districts, colleges, universities, departments of education employees, educational service centers and government agency staff. “Primary Members” are eligible to vote, hold office, and receive any hard copy material from the association. Allotted Primary Members, to be named by the district, will appoint as many “Associate Members” in the district as they wish. Associate Members will be eligible to receive all access to information, documents, electronic material, discounts, certification, etc. Individual members who wish to join as individuals and not be part of a group program may join as an individual member. All memberships are for a one-year period and are based on membership anniversary date.
Student population of less than 10K – $260
2 Primary Members
Unlimited Associate Members

Student population of 10-60K – $575
5 Primary Members
Unlimited Associate Members

Student population greater than 60K – $1,450
10 Primary Members
Unlimited Associate Members
Individual – $155

Student – $95

Full time students majoring in areas related to educational facility planning or other areas deemed appropriate are eligible for individual student membership in the Association. Student membership shall be given and renewed only when accompanied by a statement from the student’s academic advisor attesting to full time student status.

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Learn more about what we have going on! Including our past award winning projects and our annual LearningSCAPES conference.

View Past Awards LearningSCAPES

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ALEP / Certificate Programs


Comprehensive industry education: ALEP and Advanced Certificate Program


Online Awards


Visit our showcase of past online entry submissions


LearningSCAPES 2024


October 16-19, 2024
Portland, OR