
Open Your Umbrella May 2-4, 2018
Open Your Umbrella: Empowering Students Through Design
Motif Seattle
1415 Fifth Ave, Seattle, WA 98101

Creating Equitable and Culturally Relevant Learning Environments

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 / 8:30 am – 12:30 pm
Location: Lincoln HS, Tacoma

Please note: This is a separate event with a separate registration from the Pacific Northwest Regional conference "Open Your Umbrella: Empowering Students Through Design," May 2-4, 2018. We encourage and welcome you to attend both events.

The Pacific Northwest Region is honored to host an active, half-day workshop that builds on a conversation that was introduced in Atlanta at LearningSCAPES 2017...EQUITY. How do we defined equity and determine its role in our schools and school designs? What are the challenges it presents to our schools, educators, staff, school districts, design professionals, planners and lawmakers?

In recent years, we have moved to the notion of Equity over Diversity. Equity in this sense is not giving every person the same thing (equality); it requires authentic dialogue with those who will be affected by policies, practices and projects. Equity requires translating dialogue into action and providing the varying services and supports from all levels and facets of society that students and staff need to be their best selves.

Equity will be examined as it relates to issues of race, language and culture, gender and sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and developmental levels within the distinct contexts of law, policy/procedures, physical learning environment, and professional environments of designers. With these as "filters" or "lenses", we will explore our roles as designers, owners/operators, and occupants/users to identify and explore the important approaches in creating more effective learning environments for all.

Participants will work with Erin Jones and other specialists, educators, and students to:
  • Develop a keen understanding of the importance equity in learning and the value of exploring your own context and culture through various lenses.
  • Explore specific conceptual and practical strategies for engaging your students, educators and community.
  • Collectively develop what equitable learning environments look like and the key characteristics of that respond to your diverse culture.

Let's dive in, roll up our sleeves and help develop guidelines, resources, and ideas for create learning environments that are culturally responsive and responsible for our students.

Mid-morning snacks and lunch provided.
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