Lifetime Achievement

The Lifetime Achievement Award is the most distinguished professional award bestowed to an individual Association for Learning Environments member. This award is designed to honor an individual who has distinguished themselves by making significant lasting contributions to the educational facility planning industry throughout their career. Winners of this award will receive a special insignia lapel pin and extensive news media coverage to the educational facility planning and construction industry. Additionally, all Association for Learning Environments past Planner of the Year award winners will now be recognized as Lifetime Achievement Award winners.

Each region has the option to nominate one candidate per year for consideration for the Lifetime Achievement Award.
Download the Lifetime Achievement Award nomination form

Nominations are due June 15th and the deadline for submittal is July 28th. Each candidate must submit materials electronically, the entire package not to exceed 50 pages.


The jury will consist of the Immediate Past Chair as the jury chairperson, plus one member appointed by each region for the award cycle.

Criteria for Nomination

  • The candidate must be a Association for Learning Environments member in good standing.
  • The activities upon which the nomination is based shall have produced a body of work that consistently created a positive and significant regional, national or international impact on the learning environment.
  • The candidate must not have previously received the Lifetime Achievement Award or the former Planner of the Year Award.

Submittal Materials

  • The nominee's current resume or vita outlining their educational background and professional experience.
  • An Executive Summary outlining the candidate's professional career.
  • A detailed statement on how the candidate's body of work has advanced the development of effective learning environments.
  • A detailed description of the candidate's most singular outstanding lifetime contribution to the industry.
  • Letters of reference from supervisors or clients, attesting to the candidate's professional experience (minimum of five).
  • Appendixes including documents pertinent to the nomination that further explain the candidate's contributions.
  • Materials must be submitted electronically and are limited to 50 pages of material. The length of each section of the submittal package is up to the discretion of the candidate. Candidate may elect external assistance in submittal preparation.

Presentation of Award

The presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Award will take place at the LearningSCAPES Conference.
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LearningSCAPES 2024


October 16-19, 2024
Portland, OR