
April 25-27, 2018
School Safety and Security
R2i2 Conference Center, 763 Fashion Drive, Columbia, SC
Subject to change

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
12:00 PM – 7:30 PM Trade Show Set-up and Design Awards Boards
6:00 PM – 7:30 PM Reception
Open to All Members Attending Conference
Sponsored by: Dennis Corporation
Dennis Corporation
Thursday, April 26, 2018
7:45 AM – 8:45 AM Registration and Breakfast Buffet
Sponsored by: Thompson Turner
Thompson Turner Construction
8:45 AM – 9:00 AM Welcome & Opening Remarks
Welcome by Jack Carter, President of the SC Chapter of A4LE

Presentation of Colors & Pledge of Allegiance
Westwood High School JROTC, Richland School District Two

National Anthem
Michael N’twa, Irmo High School, School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties
9:00 AM – 10:15 AM Opening Session: Panel Discussion – School Safety and Security
Dr. Brenda Hafner, Sumter County Deputy Superintendent
Delisa Clark, Office of School Facilities
Allen Taylor, LS3P
Chief Deputy Todd Johnson, Newberry County
Patrick Kelly, Blythewood High School Teacher, Richland School District Two

Sponsored by: Mike McCarthy, RMF Engineering
10:15 AM – 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM Session A: Bond Referendum Prep
How to prepare for the “Yes” vote!
New school construction and renovation projects, land purchases for future schools and technology upgrades all come with a big price tag. Holding a bond referendum is often the only option for school districts to raise the funds needed to address capital needs. Come learn more about organizing a proactive, successful referendum campaign. We’ll explore ways your district can use — a public relations program to build community engagement and support, a well-organized grassroots strategy and volunteers with tremendous dedication and energy to get the “YES” vote!

Becky Bean and Debbie Elmore, South Carolina School Boards Association
Introduced by:
Chuck Saylors, MB Kahn, Southeast Region Past President

Sponsored by: Craig Gaulden & Davis, Inc.

Session B: Emergency Plans and Active Shooter Drills
Learning to Practice Like You Play
This presentation will be an overview of Emergency Planning, Plan Development and Emergency Drills in the school setting. An emphasis will be placed on Active Shooting drills and making school administrators into Emergency Managers.

Chuck Earles, Richland School District Two Emergency Services Manager
Introduced by:
Will Anderson, Executive Director of Operations & Logistics, Richland School District Two

Sponsored by: RMF Engineering
11:30 AM – 12:15 PM Keynote: Molly Spearman, South Carolina Superintendent of Education
Introduced by:
Dr. Tom Siler, President, Southern Regional Educational Board

Sponsored by: Contract Construction
Contract Construction
12:15 PM – 1:15 PM Lunch

Sponsored by: MB Khan
MB Kahn
1:15 PM – 1:25 PM SchoolsNEXT Update
Scott Carlin, South Carolina AL4E Board Member
1:25 PM – 4:15 PM School Tour A: Lexington 5 Area
Spring Hill HS & CATE Center


School Tour B: Richland Two Area
R2i2 & Jackson Creek ES

*Please sign up for school tour at registration desk
5:15 PM – 6:30 PM Reception

Sponsored by: MB Khan
MB Kahn
Friday, April 27, 2018
7:30 AM – 8:30 AM Breakfast Buffet

Sponsored by: Optima Engineering, PA
Optima Engineering
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM Session A: You can “walk the walk” when it comes to school safety and security. Can you “talk the talk” with your partners and the media?
District administrators tasked with responding to questions from students, parents, employees and media about school safety and security rely on you, the experts in those areas. Working together, you can reinforce the district’s key messages about safety and security; help to allay fears fueled by social media and sensationalized reporting; and protect confidential information that if released could compromise safety. Join in this conversation focusing on how district and school leaders can collaborate to consistently share messages that build trust before something happens, plan ahead for communicating when an issue arises and reinforce district’s school safety and security message after the issues has been addressed.

Learning Objectives:
  1. Identify typical information parents, employees, students and community members (partners) want to know
  2. Develop key messages about school safety and security
  3. Prepare for communicating with partners and media coverage
  4. Identify what information should not be shared and how to respond to questions about that information

Libby Roof, Chief Communications Officer, Richland School District Two
Introduced by:
Wess Grant, Anderson School District Five, *President-Elect of the SC Chapter of A4LE

Sponsored by: 316 Supply LLC
316 Construction

Session B: Building Safety into Construction – Renovating for Safety and Security on an Active School Campus
SGA Architecture and Thompson Turner
Introduced by:
Deon Jackson, Interim Superintendent, Berkeley County School District

Summary: Security and safety upgrades were prioritized components of the complex renovations to the Goose Creek High School campus. Not only did the campus need to be reconfigured to provide increased security but security and safety had to be maintained on an active campus of nearly 2,000 students during the course of construction.

Abstract: Goose Creek high school is an approximately 2,000 student high school in Berkeley County, South Carolina. The Campus, for many years, was comprised of multiple buildings including a former elementary school and former junior high dating from the 1960s. Later additions to the campus included a gymnasium and auditorium, creating a campus of multiple buildings with many access points, open courtyards, and limited visibility from administration to the front entrance.

As part of a major renovation in 2014-16, 125,000 SF of the campus was redesigned, creating a welcoming campus with limited entry points, enclosed courtyards and a new entrance that provided a discernible visitor entrance and visibility for administration to front of building.

Join representatives of Berkeley County School District, SGA Architecture, and Thompson Turner Construction to discuss how the challenges presented by the existing conditions on site (multiple buildings on an open campus, many access points, limited visibility to the entrance for administration) were overcome to create an updated campus with limited entry points, enclosed courtyards, and a new visitor entrance for heightened security.

The team will discuss how they rebuilt approximately 40% of the existing campus without taking the campus out of service or displacing any students while maintaining safety and security in a multiple phase construction schedule and increasing the overall campus safety in final buildout.

Sponsored by: Mike McCarthy, RMF Engineering
9:30 AM – 9:45 AM Break
9:45 AM – 10:45 AM Joint Session: Superintendents Round Table
Dr. W. Burke Royster, Greenville County Schools
Keith Price, Richland School District Two
Dr. James (Chuck) Epps, Jr.
Introduced by:
Jack Carter, President of the SC Chapter of A4LE

Sponsored by: LS3P
10:45 AM – 11:00 AM Break
Sponsored by: Dennis Corporation
Dennis Corporation
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Design Awards and Business Meeting
Paulette Myers, AIA, McMillan Pazdan Smith Architects
Committee Members:
Ivy O’Neal
Sheri Green
12:00 PM Closing Comments
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