Northern California / Nevada Chapter

The chapter includes the State of California north of and including the cities of Monterey, Merced and Bridgeport, and the State of Nevada excluding Clark County.

Regional Manager: Stephanie Stewart

Virtual Webinar

July 23, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM PST on Zoom

Play the Evolving Funding Strategy Game: Complying with Energy Code & Optimizing Funding

New energy codes and legislation are raising the bar for districts while funding opportunities are in a constant state of evolution. Please join us for a panel discussion in which panelists will share information about programs, incentives, rebates and grants that could provide alternative project funding for districts to achieve new energy code compliance and CALGreen requirements. The emphasis will be on strategies that allow districts to do more with less. A detailed case study will present an example of how Marysville JUSD located in Northern California met new energy codes by leveraging funding incentives that allowed improvements to touch every site in the district, which made projects eligible for state matching funds. This was a tremendous feat for a district that had not been able to pass a bond in over 20 years. Participants will learn more about current and future legislation, its impact on districts, and what supplemental funds are available to achieve compliance with energy code.

Apoorva Pradhan Apoorva Pradhan
Building Performance Specialist Sustainability + Applied Research
LPA Design Studios
Jennifer Butler Jennifer Butler
Facility Solutions Specialist Energy Services
Taylor Boyle Taylor Boyle
Director of Project Management
Jennifer Passaglia Jennifer Passaglia
Assistant Superintendent
Business Services
Marysville JUSD

Members: $15 | Non-members: $30
School District Public Sector: Free
Click below to register or scan the QR code.

QR Code July 2024 Webinar

Register / Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities:
  • $250 – Verbal announcement and logo included on Chapter website and marketing materials.
  • $500 – Above included as well 2-minute welcome and one (1) free registration.

Virtual Webinar

July 31, 2024
12:00 – 1:00 PM PST on Zoom

Oh, The Places People Go! School Districts Talk Strategies for Managing Enrollment Swings as Populations Shift

Population Shifts
Districts of all stripes are grappling with shifting populations. But the challenges—and the approaches to dealing with them—are all over the map. Literally. Mountain towns are dealing with the influx of lifestyle refugees—and their families—who are now able to work remotely. New housing developments are overwhelming rural areas. Urban districts are watching ever-increasing housing prices drive young families to seek more affordable housing elsewhere or double and triple-up to be able to stay close to family, employment options, and needed services. And some larger districts are facing all of these and more as the communities within their boundaries evolve unevenly.

A4LE has brought together a panel of your peers from a variety of district sizes, locations, and socio-economic realities to share their responses to enrollment challenges in Part One of this informative webinar on strategies for adapting facilities to accommodate changing enrollment patterns, and conversation on other challenges. The series will cover topics such as strategies for:
  • Projecting future enrollment numbers
  • Equitable Funding and Resource Allocation
  • Optimizing the use of existing facilities
  • Flexible classroom spaces and modular designs Involving parents and community members in decision-making processes

Laura McCarty Moderator:
Laura McCarty
Executive Director of Education
Julie Kistle Julie Kistle
Director of Facilities & Construction
Chico USD
Jeremy Cogan Jeremy Cogan
Director Planning & Design
Santa Ana USD
Abigail Weiss Abigail Weiss
Assistant Planning Director
Austin Independent SD
Todd Cutler Dr. Todd Cutler
Lake Tahoe USD

Members: $15 | Non-members: $30
School District Public Sector: Free

Register / Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities:
  • $250 – Verbal announcement and logo included on Chapter website and marketing materials.
  • $500 – Above included as well 2-minute welcome and one (1) free registration.
August Social

Summer Social

Thursday, August 1, 2024
4:00 – 6:00 PM Pacific Time

The First Street Taphouse
440 First Street, Benicia, CA

Members: Free | Non-Members: $30

Event Sponsorship:
  • $250 – Verbal announcement and logo included on Chapter website and marketing materials.
  • $500 – Above included as well 2-minute welcome and one (1) free registration.

Register / Sponsor

Event Sponsor:
HED One Workplace

Webinar Participation Form

Calling All School Districts! In order to maximize inclusivity and valuable participation by our school districts, who we all serve, we understand the lunchtime live Virtual webinars are a way to “meet you where you are”. We are also keenly aware that hearing your challenges and ways they might be solved is key to improving educational environments for all students, staff and community who use them.

We are seeking school districts who may be willing and able to participate as panelists in our bi-annual Summer (July) and Winter (January) Panel Discussions on: District Challenges. Our goal is to combine school districts at different scales in each panel discussion and conversation.

If you are interested in participating and lending your voice to improving our educational environments, please complete this form and Thank You!

Complete Form

Webinar Participation Form
2024 Events

2024 Global & Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a corporate sponsor for the Association's international event of the year, LearningSCAPES. Register now!!
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ALEP / Certificate Programs


Comprehensive industry education: ALEP and Advanced Certificate Program


Online Awards


Visit our showcase of past online entry submissions


LearningSCAPES 2024


October 16-19, 2024
Portland, OR