Tour & Dinner Presentation

Haring Center for Inclusive Education

Thursday, September 19, 2024
Tour: 4:30 – 5:30 pm PT
Dinner/Presentation: 6:00 – 8:00 pm PT

Haring Center Parking & Directions:
Parking will be paid lot parking only. Carpooling or public transit is advised.

The Haring Center is located directly behind the University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC) at the south end of the University of Washington campus in Seattle, Washington; and just east of the Center on Human Development and Disability (CHDD).

Driving to the Haring Center
If you are using Google Maps for driving directions, please use the UW Medical Center address of 1959 NE Pacific Street, Seattle, WA 98195, and then refer to the parking map and directions pdf.

Parking Options at the Haring Center
The South Campus S01 parking garage is the closest parking option when visiting the Haring Center. The maximum fee for S01 parking is $20.25 per day; parking fees are determined by length of stay. Refer to the Haring Center website for detailed parking and access instructions.

UW Tower Parking & Directions:
W46: UW Tower parking map »
Important parking code information »

The Haring Center is a long-time leader in early childhood learning as an interdisciplinary hub for direct education, professional development, and research. The Experimental Education Unit (EEU) serves children of all abilities from birth to kindergarten, including those on the autism spectrum, and other families not served in mainstream education. Throughout its history, Haring Center researchers have conducted critical work in teaching practices for children with developmental disabilities that have shaped the fields of special education and inclusive education.

This comprehensive design-build renovation transforms all aspects of the mid-century modern building’s systems, from seismic upgrades to improved site circulation and play areas, while centering the Haring Center’s specialized educational and research mission. Abundant daylighting and views to the adjacent Montlake Cut enliven the refreshed space and provide biophilic design benefits to occupants. Environmental graphics assist with wayfinding and keep the interior kid centric and comfortable. A design process focused on editing and enhancement of existing building features and character breathes new life into an existing building.

Haring Center for Inclusive Education Haring Center for Inclusive Education
Haring Center for Inclusive Education Haring Center for Inclusive Education

A shared faculty environment of open workstations and focus rooms improves visual connection and workflow efficiency for teachers and researchers. Collaborative activity areas were updated to better serve current programs and uses, including a large multipurpose learning/event space, a cafeteria for school-aged children and a gymnasium for recreation and physical therapy. Students occupy ten classrooms, all of which feature dedicated outdoor spaces, room for parent observation and engagement, and fully accessible age-appropriate support spaces.

The landscaped entry sequence integrates both stairs and a wheelchair-accessible ramp to equally welcome students, staff and visitors of all abilities. Two central play courtyards feature mounded and open-ended play environments including hills with varied height and steepness to support physical therapy activities, natural wood play elements and synthetic turf to optimize wheelchair accessibility, comfort and flexibility.

Learning Objectives:
  • Identify design strategies for prioritizing key architectural elements of existing buildings to enhance a sense of place and identity.
  • Describe a process for selective upgrade of existing building systems to meaningfully extend their useful life, utilize existing campus resources, and meet contemporary energy codes.
  • Share an example of design-build renovation approaches and how renovation projects present unique challenges and opportunities in terms of this delivery method.
  • Describe landscape design concepts and approaches that can enhance open-ended play, accessibility and inclusive design principles.

Project Team:
Architect of Record & Landscape Architect: Mithun
Contractor: Lease Crutcher Lewis, Design-Builder
Mechanical Engineer: Glumac
Structural Engineer: Swenson Say Faget
Electrical Engineer: Hargis
Civil Engineer: MIG/SvR
Envelope Consulting: 4EA Building Science Inc
Environmental Graphics: Studio Matthews
Irrigation Design: William Brown
LEED Documentation: O’Brien360
Kitchen Design: Bargreen Ellison
Photography: Benjamin Benschneider

Tour Guide:
Evan Bourquard, Mithun

Dinner Presentation:

Haring Center for Inclusive Education

Imagine a school where children of all abilities learn, play, and grow together. At the Haring Center, we are building that reality every day. Learn about how special education services have evolved in the decades since the Haring Center opened its doors and how we are advancing inclusive education for the decades ahead. At this panel discussion, members of the Haring Center team will share how we collaborate to provide outstanding educational services for children ages 0-6 and their families, professional supports for current and future educators, and cutting-edge research. Join the discussion to explore the future of services for children with disabilities.

Learning Objectives:
  • Discuss special education as a service, rather than a place, and describe how the Haring Center is designed to promote inclusive educational services.
  • Trace the historical roots of inclusive education and its role in educational services.
  • Illustrate features of schools and early learning centers that promote access and belonging and identify the service providers who contribute to inclusive education at the Haring Center.
  • Discuss the possibilities for inclusive education that can be impacted through professional development and research.

Panel Moderator: Kathleen Artman Meeker, PhD, BCBA-D, Professor and Director of the Haring Center for Inclusive Education.

Panelists will include members from each of the Haring Center’s core functions: the EEU school, the professional development team, and the research team.

4:30 – 5:30 pm Tour
Haring Center for Inclusive Education
1981 NE Columbia Rd
Seattle, WA 98195
6:00 – 8:00 pm    Dinner / Presentation
UW Tower
4333 Brooklyn Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98195

Rates (In-Person):
Members (Early) $70.00
Non-Members (Early)   $90.00
Members (Late) $80.00
Non-Members (Late) $100.00
School Districts / Public Agencies    $35.00

Please register so we can get an accurate head count.

Early bird registration closes on September 9.
Registration closes on September 13.


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