ALEP: Professional Assessment Process Pathway


  1. Register and attest to the standards of the ALEP.


  2. Submit a dossier of your professional experience from the last 5 years. Please review the scoring rubic carefully. To view successful dossiers, please see these examples:

  3. Document 100 hours of Continuing Education.
  4. Provide (3) Letters of Recommendation from peers outside your organization or from clients.
  5. Interview with members of the Commission.

For a complete listing of the current ALEPs, search our directory:

Search ALEP Directory

Core Competencies of the ALEP

Core Competencies of the ALEP

To learn more about the competencies and the knowledge, skills, and traits, click here.

Application Schedule

Application Ongoing
Dossier Due March 1, 2024 for April Interviews
June 28, 2024 for July Interviews
September 26, 2024 for October Interviews
Interview To be determined. Conducted virtually.


There will be a schedule of fees to apply for the program as well as a recertification and maintenance fee payable each year. When the recertification is due, no additional fee will be required as long as the yearly fee is current. Click here to view the fee schedule.

For more information, please contact: [email protected].

Eligibility Requirements

ALEP Building At the time of application, the applicant must meet the following professional experience requirements:
  • Have been employed in the planning and/or design of learning environments for the last five years preceding the application;
  • Have bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college/university and;
  • Have at least five years of total experience as a planner for learning environments;
  • Be currently or recently employed for five years prior to application as a paid employee in a firm or sole proprietorship such as a planning organization, architectural firm, engineering firm, construction organization, maintenance organization, or supplier that provides goods or services to learning environments, OR;
  • Attest to uphold the ALEP Standards of Conduct and Ethics;
    Statement of Ethics
    • Maintain exemplary standards of professional conduct.
    • Actively model and encourage the integration of ethics into all aspects of planning, designing, building, and maintaining educational facilities.
    • Pursue the objectives of the firms/agencies that employ me in ways that are ethical.
    • Recognize and discharge my responsibility and that of my employer to uphold all laws and regulations.
    • Strive to continually advance my knowledge and achieve higher levels of excellence in educational facility planning.
    • Maintain confidentiality of all privileged information, except when doing so, becomes an ethical or legal breach of conduct.
    • Serve all clients fairly, holding foremost the interests of my employer and its industry or profession, faithfully executing my duties and never using my position for personal gain, and promptly and completely disclosing to all parties any potential and actual conflicts of interest.
  • Have no felony convictions related to the practice of planning of learning environments.

*Internship experience and/or service as a volunteer leader is not applicable toward the professional experience requirement.

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LearningSCAPES 2024


October 16-19, 2024
Portland, OR