Sponsorship Opportunities

South Carolina Chapter / Southeast Region Conference March 29-31, 2023
Call to Action: Supporting the Well Being of Our Learning Community
Francis Marion Hotel
Charleston, SC
Take advantage of the knowledge-building and networking opportunities and join your colleagues at the sessions of your choice. This will be a great opportunity for you to meet with school facility designers, managers, planners and administrators from your region.

PLEASE NOTE: To receive benefits in pre-event marketing, on app or website, sponsorship must be paid in full.

Sponsorship must be paid in full prior to March 20, 2023 to be included on physical signage and to collect any complimentary registration to the event.

All sponsorship's will be listed in the name of the company.


$3,000 | Limited to 2
  • Three (3) free conference registrations
  • Up to 3 minutes address at a general session
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

DLR Group Telecor
$2,000 | Limited to 3
  • Two (2) free conference registrations
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

CCI Services LS3P NOVA
  • One (1) free conference registration
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

Dennis Corporation WK-Dickson ECS Interior Elements
Kay-Twelve MCK McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture V/S America
ZMM Architects
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails
Keynote Speaker
  • Three (3) free conference registrations
  • Introduction of keynote speaker
  • Introduction of company at general session
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet

Reception Sponsor
  • Verbal recognition at reception
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

ADC HG Reynolds
Lunch Sponsor
$1,500 | 2 Available
  • One (1) minute talk to group
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

PaveLogic Thompson Turner
School Tour
  • Verbal recognition on bus
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

Breakfast Sponsor
$1,000 | 2 Available
  • One (1) minute talk to group
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

CCI Services Optima Engineering
Signage Sponsor
$1,000 | 2 Available
  • Verbal recognition at conference
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing emails

Session Room Sponsor
$850 | 2 Available
  • Dedicated event signage with logo during sponsored activity
  • Logo on general event signage
  • Sponsor material in the registration packet
  • Ability to furnish part of room/display product/literature on tables
  • Pre-event recognition in marketing email

Herald Office Solutions V/S America
Break Sponsor
$500 | 4 Available
  • Easel at break
  • Recognition on conference signage
  • Logo on conference website

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October 16-19, 2024
Portland, OR